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Each year we undertake many different projects to promote our club's objectives. 

PLEASE NOTE:  Projects that are more involved have a web page dedicated to that project.  They are identified by a link with an underline in their text title and their headings are in GREEN. 

Our projects include:

Blue Star Memorial


Our Blue Star Memorial committee maintains and supports the Blue Star Memorial located at The Botanic Garden at Historic Barns Park.

Civic Beautification


This committee is busy planning, designing and planting the Logo Garden in the Traverse City Open Space.  They also locate a large and small business that has exemplary flower beds in their landscaping.  

Commemoration of Arbor Day

We plant trees with local school children and teach an educational lesson to the class(es) involved in the planting. 

Garden Walk


This committee recruits a set of sponsors from the business community and selects homes to be on the garden walk.  This event is usually held on the third Thursday of July.  It was decided that we will not have a garden walk in 2024, but will have one in 2025.

Horticultural and Environmental concerns

We provide programs or field trips on ways to promote horticultural knowledge and membership participation. We also provide ongoing support to the Traverse City Botanic Gardens and the Blue Star Memorial project.

Local Club Projects/Grants: 

These projects vary from year to year but our goal is to encourage the development of local educational youth programs, such as the "Farm to School" program operated by TBA-ISD, the GTCD preschool educational programs, and providing scholarships for students from the Traverse City Agri-Science program to attend the Horticulture Dept. State Convention at MSU.  

MGC & NGC Projects


We support the MI Garden Clubs, Inc. "POLLINATOR GARDENS" project to promote awareness of the importance of all pollinators, including the Black Swallowtail butterfly; the NGC "Penny for Pines" project, which raises funds for reforestation; and promoting NGC's essay contest for local high school students and The Woodsy Owl project for elementary students.

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Michigan Garden Club Schools:


In order to help our members learn more by continuing their education, we provide qualifying members' tuition to help defray the costs of attending the MGC classes.

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Youth Gardening

Our club combined the youth gardening and the children's sensory garden committees to better serve the youth in our community.  It will provide more opportunities for our youth to work in "Our Giving Garden"  where they are mentored by members of our club who teach them about planting, maintaining, and harvesting the produce.

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